Mail Tips – Get more information about your mail, like a heads up if you’re messaging people with automatic replies turned on, sending an email to recipients outside your organization, or sending an email to a large audience.Customizable toolbar – The new toolbar puts your most used commands front and center and is fully customizable.My Day – A new addition that brings you a view of your agenda or calendar events right from within your main mail canvas, and includes a 2-week calendar view to give you a quick glance at your upcoming events.New mail and event compose e xperiences – Entirely new mail and event compose experiences that help improve your productivity with enhancements such as an easy to access formatting bar, suggested times, and locations.Search enhancements – Search is now built using the same engine that powers other Office 365 experiences so you can quickly find exactly what you’re looking for.

Get caught up with updates across Mail, Search, Calendar and People You can switch quickly between the new Outlook for Mac and the current version to compare the differences for yourself and see everything it has to offer. To navigate to the new experience, simply click the “New Outlook” toggle in the top right corner of the Outlook window. The default experience will be the current version of Outlook. In order to try the new Outlook for Mac, first you will have to join Insider Slow. An updated user experience and added features enable you to customize your email, all while keeping things simple and efficient. The new Outlook for Mac i s built on Microsoft sync technology that is fast, reliable, and allows us to bring you the latest and greatest functionality from Microsoft 365. The updated and revamped new Outlook is available via a toggle switch on the top right corner of your Outlook main window.

We are excited to announce the availability of the new Outlook for Mac for our Insider Slow users. See the original author and article here.